Rewards & Credits
MacroBaby Rewards is a credit program that MacroBaby offers to our customers. For every purchase you make at MacroBaby, either on our website or physical store, you earn a monetary credit that can be used after 30 days from the purchase.
Who can join?
Any customer who creates an account with a valid email address and makes a purchase at MacroBaby, either at our website or physical store, will automatically receive the rewards.
How do I earn the credit?
For every $100 (a hundred dollars) you spend either on our website or physical store, you get $1.00 (one dollar) in credit.
How can I view my credit balance?
Create or access your account at the website, click on the “Rewards” button inside your account to see your statement and balance. The program will give credit only to accounts created after 2016.
How can I redeem my credit?
You can redeem your credit either on our website or physical store.
At the physical store: let the cashier know that you want to redeem your credit before making the payment and the amount will be charged from your balance. On the website: If you are already a customer at the physical store: Create an account or login in the website, using the same email address that you used at the store and your credit will be showing up at your account automatically. If you are already a website customer: Simply access your account with your email and your credit will be showing up at your account. You can also see your statement and balance.
Can I redeem my credit at the check out?
Yes. Access your account with the registered email and your balance will be displayed at the check out. Simply click on “use credit” button and the amount will be redeemed from your balance.
When can I redeem my credit?
It will be automatically available in your account 30 days after your purchase.
How do I report a problem or ask questions about Macrobaby Rewards program?
Please send an email to or call us at 1-877-240-5379, Monday to Saturday, 9AM to 7PM, or Sundays 11AM to 5PM.