Baby Stroller: A Guide for Parents - MacroBaby

Welcoming a new family member is an incredible time for any mom and dad. One of the most important item on this journey is the baby stroller. MacroBaby has more than 340 different options of strollers and among them each one has its own features and functionality. To make it easier for you to understand, we have divided the strollers into the most important categories to help you to make a decision on which one is best for you. The categories are:

  • Umbrella Stroller;

  • Ultra Compact Stroller;

  • Ultra Compact aircraft approved stroller;

  • Traditional Stroller (4 wheels);

  • Traditional 4 wheels Stroller with reversible seat;

  • 3 wheels Stroller ;

  • Jogging Stroller;

  • Double Stroller :

  • For two children of different ages;

  • Travel System;

  • Luxury Design Stroller;

When choosing a stroller, you need to think about what is best for you and your family. To make the right choice, it is very important that you take some things into consideration: in addition to keeping your baby comfortable and safe, it is very important that it suits your lifestyle, it must meet your needs and your daily activities. For example: If you travel frequently, if you live in a city where you walk a lot, or use public transportation or even if you are a runner, ask yourself this kind of questions in order to find the category of stroller that will best meet your needs.

1.Umbrella Stroller:

a woman pushing a stroller with a baby

Are often sought after for the convenience they offer, they are usually more sought after by moms and dads who travel frequently because it is a light, practical and easy stroller to carry. The vast majority of these strollers cannot be used by a newborn, as they do not adapt an infant car seat, they are usually not very comfortable and many models do not recline enough for the child to sleep. It is necessary to be aware of these details because some brands have superior quality than others and this is relatively linked to the durability of the product. There are strollers from $30.00 to $300.00 and typically those under $120.00 are of lower quality and offer less features.

Top models:
All from Maclaren; Uppababy G-Lite Stroller; Uppababy G-Luxe Stroller; Mima Bo, Diono Flexa.

Economic models:
Summer 3D lite convenience; Summer 3D lite, Summer 3D tote; Summer 3D Mini, Summer 3D flip; Summer go lite; Chicco Liteway; Graco Travel lite;

Those that recline the seat enough for a child to sleep in:
Maclaren Quest Arc, MacLaren XT, Maclaren XLR, Uppababy G-Luxe, Summer Infant.

Check out the Umbrella Strollers on our website: Umbrella Strollers

2. Ultra Compact Strollers:

a group of children in strollers

These are lightweight stroller that close very compact and take up little space, but have a different closing system from an umbrella stroller. Some compact strollers may adapt a car seats and others may not. This is one of the most popular stroller category , as it closes very small and it’s usually a very lightweight stroller , some are recommended for newborns, often with the use of a car seat fitted to its structure as.

Discover the brands: BabyZen Yoyo, Mima Zigi, Silver Cross Jet, Uppababy Minu, GB Pockit, Cybex Eezy S Twist, Baby Jogger City Tour, Chicco Piccolo, Summer 3D micro, Summer 3D pack, Mountain Buggy Nano, Bugaboo Ant , Diono Traverze, Maclaren Atom and Contours Bitsy.

3. Ultra Compact Strollers: (For the use of carry-on luggage on aircraft):

a woman pushing a stroller with two children

Recently stroller manufactures have developed technology that allows you to close strollers more compactly to the point that they fit inside the luggage compartment of large aircraft, these strollers can enter on the aircraft with you, without having to check the stroller at the door of the plane.

Discover the brands: BabyZen Yoyo, Silver Cross Jet, Baby Jogger City Tour, Bugabo Ant, Mountain buggy nano, GB Pockit, Eezy S Twist and more

Check out the Ultra-Compact shopping strollers on our website: Lightweight Strollers

4. Traditional Strollers  

a woman pushing a stroller

They are the easiest models to find on the market, with various styles and prices, which end up allowing you to have a wider range of choices. Because they have a traditional design, many do not reverse the seat, but they usually adapt an infant car seat, bringing comfort and ease to dads and moms in everyday life.

Check out some of the brands: Nuna Tavo, Peg Perego Booklet Stroller, Britax Pathway and others.

5. Traditional strollers that have a reversible seat:

a baby in a stroller

This is a popular option that allows parents to turn the stroller to allow the child to either face parent or face the world. This difference is worth highlighting because until the baby is 2, they usually sleep a lot and being able to face the child gives mom and dad more peace of mind.

Check out the brands: Primo Passi Icon Stroller, Nuna Mixx, Nuna Triv, Cybex Balios, Cybex Mios, Cybex Gazelle S, Cybex Priam, Bugaboo Fox, Bugaboo Lynx, Bugaboo Bee, Uppababy Vista, Uppababy Cruz, Stokke Beat, Peg perego Z4, Chicco Urban , Graco Modes Bassinet, Jollz Hub, Maxi Cosi Adorra, Maxi Cosi Zelia, Maxi Cosi Lila, Baby Jogger City tour Lux, Baby Jogger city select Lux and Silver Cross Comet.

6. 3-Wheel Strollers 

a woman walking with a stroller

These strollers tend to have better mobility, they are easier to maneuver and take turns. They resemble jogging stroller, but most cannot be used for this purpose as they do not have the structural characteristics of a jogger/running stroller. Most models have a fixed seat and it is not possible to reverse it to face parent. Many models have the pneumatic wheel which makes the ride more comfortable.

Check out some of the brands: Baby Jogger City Mini 2 Single Stroller; Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2 Single Stroller; Britax B-lively stroller; Thule Spring; Graco fast Action Sport and Graco Modes Essentials Lx.

7. Jogging Strollers 


a woman pushing a stroller with a baby

Not all 3-wheel, air-tyre strollers can be used for jogging. It is necessary to consult the manufacturer's guidance. The most sought after features in these strollers are: wheel suspension system, handlebar activated rear wheel brake for greater speed control on rough terrain, air tires, front wheel lock and strap to attach to the stroller's driver's handle.

Check out Some models: BOB Alterrain Pro Stroller, BOB revolution Flex; BOB rambler stroller; Cybex Zeno stroller, Baby jogger Summit X3; Thule Urban Glide 2 and Chicco Active Stroller.

8. Double Strollers 

a woman with a dog and a stroller

The double strollers can have a couple of different configurations, either side by side or tandem. It is important to note that not every double stroller can be used for twins. The vast majority of double strollers with a side by side configuration can only accept 1 baby car seat and is therefore suitable for children of different ages. To be considered a stroller for twins it needs to adapt 2 car seats and/or 2 carrycots (bassinet). Nowadays there's a lot of strollers that are sold on a single configuration but can be later converterd into a double strollers making if more cost effective for parents that are looking to possible having another child in the future.

  • Check out some of the Tandem twin stroller options (one in front of the other): Baby Jogger City Select lux Stroller; Graco Modes Duo Stroller; Kolcraft Contours elite; Silver Cross Wave Stroller; Cybex Gazelle Stroller; Nuna Demi Grow Stroller; Uppababy Vista Stroller; Chicco Cortina together stroller; Graco modes 2 grow stroller.

  • Side by Side Double Strollers: Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double, Britax B-Lively Double Stroller, Bugaboo Donkiey Stroller, Valco Spark Stroller.

  • Single Strollers that can be converted into a double stroller and can be used for twins: Uppababy Vista Stroller, Silver Cross Wave Stroller, Nuna Demi Grow Stroller, Baby Jogger City Select and Cybex Gazelle Stroller.

9. Strollers for children of different ages:

a woman pushing a baby in a stroller

 This is also a popular option. These are double strollers that accept only 1 car seat, but which has another seat for another older child. Some have only a platform for a child to sit or stand (as if on a skateboard) and two other seats.

Check out some models: Bugaboo Donkey Stroller, Chicco Bravo for 2, Graco Roomfor2, Baby Jogger City Tour double; Summer 3D pac CS+ double Stroller; Joovy Caboose Stroller.

10. Travel Systems

a baby stroller and a baby car seat

These are very popular among families due to the convenience of this configuration and a cost benefit. In this category, the stroller already comes with the infant car seat and the base for the car, making it a very complete option.

Some of the brands: Britax B-Free Travel System, Britax B –Lively travel system, Cybex Balios Travel System, Chicco Bravo Travel System, Chicco viaro travel system, Graco Modes Travel system, Graco fast Action Sport, Maxi Cosi Adorra Travel system, Maxi Cosi Zelia Travel system.

11. TOP Strollers on the Market – These stroller models have a differentiated design, with superior material quality than others, thus bringing luxury, modernity and innovation in their style, many of them become celebritie's favorites.

Some options would be: Mima Xari Stroller; Stokke Xplory X Stroller; Bugaboo Fox2 Stroller, Silver Cross Wave and Cybex Priam.

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